Gomocha recently collaborated with Busch Vacuum Solutions, a global provider of edge vacuum and overpressure technology, on a highly successful initiative demonstrating the value of field service management (FSM) technology.
Busch, a family-owned business, has several offices worldwide. Busch Netherlands was hosting an event for the company’s general managers in Europe and contacted Gomocha for support. Busch Netherlands is currently the only office in Europe leveraging the Gomocha Field Service Platform, and they were looking to share the benefits of incorporating the platform with general managers of other Busch offices.
Busch Awarded Gomocha’s Nikoleta Sinikchiyska with a Digital Expert 2024 Certificate
Nikoleta Sinikchiyska, Gomocha’s Customer Success Manager, played a pivotal role in the collaboration. Busch presented her with an esteemed Digital Expert 2024 Certificate for her high-quality work on the project.
Nikoleta and the team at Gomocha collaborated with Busch Netherland’s service manager and service coordinator to develop an interactive activity to show the event attendees the power of the Gomocha Field Service Platform. They created a “Field Service Safari” demo application with the platform. They divided attendees into groups, and each group had access to the app configuration. Attendees could log in, follow a presentation throughout the day, and answer questions created using Gomocha’s Forms Designer. The activity included a gamification aspect where attendees could take a photo. Once they completed the safari activity, attendees received a service report with their answers to the questions and the photos they took.
The Collaboration Demonstrated the Value of Digitalization in FSM
Many event attendees use manual paper-based and spreadsheet-based processes, so theactivity aimed to demonstrate Gomocha’s ease of use.
“When people hear digital solutions for field service management, sometimes it can sound very overwhelming for somebody who is not in the field for a longer period, doesn’t know much about field service, or doesn’t know much about digital solutions,” Nikoleta said.
During the event, multiple technicians showed the general managers how they use Gomocha for streamlined FSM and how the event attendees can benefit from the platform.
Nikoleta explained how intuitive Gomocha is for all users: “It’s just super simple. The data loss is much less than if it’s just a piece of paper that a technician needs to bring to the customer. We showed them [attendees] how interactive the tool is and how easy it is to use, providing much more efficiency and stability. It’s much easier to use even for somebody who doesn’t have a lot of IT experience.”
The Gomocha-Busch Initiative Drove Positive Results
The Gomocha team received positive feedback on the “Field Service Safari” activity. The Busch family and general managers who participated thoroughly enjoyed the process, and many of the attendees are interested in implementing Gomocha in their Busch office.
The activity also prompted Busch offices in other countries and sister companies to inquire about the Gomocha Field Service Platform. Gomocha is currently working with two other Busch offices to implement the platform into their workflows, with more to come soon.
The Event Highlighted Gomocha’s Dedication to Delivering White Glove Service and Partnership
The successful event reinforced Gomocha’s commitment to white glove service and partnership with our clients. Nikoleta and the team worked with Busch to help them devise and implement a highly engaging activity to show attendees the value of the Gomocha Field Service Platform.
“The partnership side was amazing,” Nikoleta said. “Our connection and future together as a foolproof partnership with Busch moved ten steps ahead, I believe.”
Productive collaborations often go beyond the business strategy and simply completing a project. Nikoleta shares how this joint initiative with Busch allowedthe team to learn about the organization on a deeper level, significantly benefiting their future work with Busch.
“I think through those events, it’s an essential part where you get to know this other company that you’re working with daily, where it’s NOT just about improving the business.” Nikoleta explained. “Those events make it more personal, and you dive into their systems, processes, and people. And I think that was just a great experience.”