The Top Technology Trends Field Service Organizations Must Embrace

In the face of many unknowns in the energy, geo-political, and economic realms, industry leaders have had to think critically about technology solutions for driving their field service organizations ahead in 2023.

Everyone faces pressure to deliver on NetZero goals, especially considering ESG scores. Also, hiring pressure is intense, and companies are dealing with a recruitment shortage, creating new problems. These tensions to accelerate projects with a lack of employees who have expertise cannot be overstated. But with questions come opportunities.

While profits are high, field service companies must reduce costs when handling these increasing pressures. In addition, both governments and customers want greener choices, so rethinking operation models is necessary. Video and automation will play huge roles in this scenario.

Here are the technology trends field service organizations must stay current to thrive in the present landscape.

Sustainability Rising in Importance

As we approach 2025, compensation links to sustainable technology outcomes. Today’s leaders must be greener in all interactions. Supply chain issues, the digitalization of multiple processes, and workforce issues will be critical in the following decades. Profit will depend on linking ESG and business outcomes. Profits will also rely on the ease with which this is accomplished. Servitization will continue to blend into sustainability goals.

Impact of Digital on Benefits

Digital technology investment in 2023 will continue to grow exponentially. However, the impact of digital may prove tough when setting transformative expectations and goals for business. Field service leaders must monitor the effects of positives and negatives in the value chain. The benefits of a digital customer self-service model are evident when measuring the ROI and its impacts on digital initiatives. In addition, progress toward outcomes-based services in the digital mode will continue, slow but steady, focusing more on values than repairs.

Role of Automation Goes Mainstream in Field Service

Customer experience continues to be key. A multigenerational workforce believes that digital interactions should be efficient, clear, and quick beyond providing just data. Transforming client experience while advancing in rapid automation and AI will continue to be essential into 2023.

Mitigating unnecessary field technician visits will depend on high-quality data that guides and gives crucial information for rapid, measured, and smart decision-making. Automation can drive business value and the ROI of digital investment.

A people-first model of HR will continue to keep critical talent on and provide a human-centric approach. New roles will continue to emerge due to automation and AI, and giving workforce buy-in through people first is crucial. In addition, keeping in step with cultural change is critical to success.

Scalability and Adoption of Video in Field Service

Since the pandemic, using video in marketing and sales continues to grow rapidly. This trend has contributed to most recent growth, whether synchronous or asynchronous. Live video and automation in the field service industry help connect the customer with real-time expert technical assistance. On the other hand, asynchronous instructional videos address needs without schedules, meeting the expectations of various partners and increasing situational awareness. Excellent customer service will mean combining these resources to improve scalability.

AI Will Become More Mainstream in Decision-Making

Using contextual data, images, speech, and text will be important in progressing the use of automation and AI within the field service context. In addition, greater transparency will emerge as AI systems grow, and data provenance will become more important. As we reach the close of 2023, AI models will continue to reach new heights regarding the juxtaposition of reality and potential.

Forward Thinking into 2023

Advances in rapid automation, scalability, sustainability, and AI will continue to advance business plans. Sustainability leads these advances by offering new opportunities to lower C02 emissions, create and deliver on service contracts, and work with corporate ESG scores.


A Look Ahead: 5 Predictions for Field Service in 2023, Sarah Nicastro, IFS.

Six technology trends Field Service leaders must plan for in 2023, Vynintelligence,