I’m working as a consultant implementing Field Mobility Solutions, supporting businesses with their digital transformation and, more specifically, with the digital transformation of field processes.
Category: Field Service Management Software
Field service management software enables teams to work efficiently and uncover those hidden inefficiencies. This section covers how to best utilize field service management software, from implementation to managing your field teams and subcontractors.
Does Size Matter?
Finding the right fit for almost every possible mobile field services need.
Three Hazards of Traditional Field Service Operations
Manually handling and inputting information hinders the efficiency and accuracy
Is the Uberization of Field Service Operations Possible?
It’s likely no longer a matter of if this technology becomes available. Instead, it’s a matter of when and how!
Keep Calm, and Convert On
Organizations should not fear the reactions from workers as they convert to a new way of managing their field service operations.
Unleash the Power of Data by Going Paperless
It’s not the cost of paper alone that makes running a paper-based business an expensive proposition.
Keeping the Mobile in Mobility
Being mobile, and experiencing the power of mobility, is more than just carrying around an electronic device.
The Lego Experience: Field Management Made Flexible [2022]
Companies need to be flexible because change is inevitable.
Field Service is All About Change
Regardless of whether a business has a few or a hundred technicians on the road, these technicians and the work they’re doing are subject to constant change – and change can be unpredictable and disruptive and scary.
Time for a New Mars Route
Lightning-fast flexibility and vast scalability are the two main characteristics that contemporary mobile platforms should offer to handle the creation of new routes.
FMP360 Harnesses the Power of Data
Business intelligence is a cyclical process – one in which data is registered, collected, analyzed and distributed – allowing decision makers to recommend improvements for the organization. The Gomocha FMP360 Platform supports client organizations in this process.